Team Europe: fighting the pandemic and infodemic in the Western Balkans, including Albania News | WeBalkans


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Team Europe: fighting the pandemic and infodemic in the Western Balkans, including Albania

The European Union has continued to support the Western Balkans partners to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide accurate information about the spread of the virus. In mobilising a substantial recovery package and involving the region in EU programmes, the EU confirmed its commitment to assist the Western Balkans partners in these times of crisis.


As High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said: “This is a time for solidarity, and it is a priority for the EU to support the Western Balkans, as part of our European family, in facing the impact of the pandemic.”


In Albania, the EU continued delivering medical equipment for hospitals and health centres across Albania. The medical equipment includes 15 mobile ventilators, 50 monitors of vital parameters, 25 defibrillators, 20 electrocardiograms with trolleys, 10 echographers and 2 digital mobile x-rays. Via public events and social media campaigns, the EU has been promoting social distancing, the wearing of masks, personal hygiene as well as the importance of checking reliable sources as measures for preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

Photo Credit: Delegation of the European Union to Albania - Delivery of the EU support on medical equipment for fighting COVID-19 pandemic in Albania

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